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Daily Archives: July 2, 2018

Kossuth Street Garden and Little Library

The Kossuth Street Garden was founded in 2007 in the Southern Orchards neighborhood of Columbus, Ohio, and gives the local community the opportunity to connect and grow.


Located at a lot where a kosher slaughterhouse in a once predominately Jewish neighborhood once stood, the garden now connects, educates and inspires Central Ohio. This year, they’ve planted corn which will be used in creating delicious meals at their upcoming harvest party.


Kossuth’s little library is located at the front of the garden and welcomes all visitors. Installed eight years ago, the library is painted yearly by children, and, beyond promoting literacy, promotes community events.


The garden is host to regular cooking classes, Earth Day celebrations and a yearly upcoming harvest celebration on August 25. Additionally, the garden partners with The Ohio State University and Green Columbus.


I want to get people involved in community…to find their roots ~Michael Doody

Founder Michael Doody goofing around with neighborhood kids. Image courtesy of Kossuth Street Garden.

Garden founder, Michael Doody, is a community advocate that cites his father as an inspiration. As a volunteer fireman, Michael’s father instilled a sense of civic pride and responsibility in Michael when he was young. Michael helped start Earth Day Columbus in 2007, and he enjoys giving back at Columbus Community Festival (ComFest). We had the pleasure of meeting Michael at ComFest 2018. He immediately struck us as energetic, passionate and approachable.


We encourage you to visit and become involved with the Kossuth Street Garden and little library. It’s an incredible space to be enjoyed by the entire community.

Kossuth Street Garden 641 E Kossuth St., Columbus, Ohio 43206




We’ve mapped chartered Little Free Libraries® (in yellow) and independent little libraries (in purple).  Our map is open to edit with a Google account, and we encourage you to explore and enhance it.