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Daily Archives: August 1, 2016

Nationwide Children’s Hospital Library

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NCH Librarians Linda DeMuro, Susan Jones, Alison Gehred and Susi Miller

The Grant Morrow III, MD Medical Library is an essential resource for Nationwide Children’s Hospital (NCH). Located on the second floor of the hospital’s education building, the library provides research and reference services for the hospital staff, including nurses, physicians and allied health personnel. Additionally, the library locates and delivers resources, provides workspaces, manages materials, partners in interlibrary loan services and proctors tests for hospital employees.

Established in 1953, the library has a tremendous archive dating back to when the hospital was founded in 1892. Ohio State University librarian and consultant, Kristin Rodgers, is assisting with archiving the preservation of historic documents, including the hospital’s first patients’ records.

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Materials from the library’s archives are being sorted and preserved


The library is actually a branch of The Ohio State University Health Sciences Library, which provides access to a wide variety of publications and shared resources. NCH’s collection includes an impressive 16,000 volumes and 260 subscriptions.

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Some of the rare books within the NCH’s collection


Active partners in the hospital’s work, librarians provide important research assistance, validating sources and finding answers to unusual questions like “what are the risks to a child who has drunk citronella oil?” Librarians equip hospital staff with research and technology training and assist with processing a monthly “Ask a Specialist” email, which informs Columbus pediatrics about a variety of health care questions. These services produce an extended value and help the hospital achieve its strategic plan of finding journeys to best outcomes. Library Director Linda DeMuro noted the library has received years of positive feedback, further illustrating their value within the system.


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A play area in the Family Health Information Center


In addition to information services, the library serves as a workspace and informal gathering area for hospital employees. Meeting rooms can be reserved via the hospital’s central scheduling program, and the library features a patio overlooking the hospital’s park where employers can work, eat lunch or just enjoy the view.

View of the park from the library’s patio


On the first floor of the education building, the library maintains the Family Health Information Center (FHIC). Open to the public from noon to 5 p.m. each weekday, the information center gives families access to health information.  There are also children’s books, magazines and a quiet space for families to spend time. The FHIC also partners with the Blue Jackets Family Resource Center to provide a variety of services to promote “family centered care”.

Parents and patients have access to a variety of multimedia resources at the Family Health Information Center


The secret is out – Linda DeMuro, Director

The library’s services continue to gain popularity as the hospital staff learn about their offerings, as DeMuro put it, “the secret is out.” The Grant Morrow III, MD Medical Library is an important and respected partner of Nationwide Children’s Hospital.

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